Miscrits! Wiki
Adventurer Amanda

Adventurer Amanda as she appears in Sunfall Shores. She bars access to the Jagged Treasure area.

Adventurer Amanda is the second person you meet in Sunfall Shores. All of her Miscrits are level 30 and in the following formation. Wind, Lightning, Fire, and Nature. They are Tuzee (4th evolution of Jack), Dynamellow (4th evolution of Arigato), Cheetorch (4th Evolution of Sparkitten), Derelicro (4th evolution of Kelpa). She bars access to the Jagged Treasure region of Sunfall Shores.


Use level 30 Miscrits and make sure to exploit elemental Weaknesses (when possible). I used Statikat, Sapphron, Equestrion, and Cubsprout All level 30. Was able to get through the fight without using a potion. Still Kelpa hits pretty hard and has an attack that hits multiple times so be aware.
